man with his hand on his head

Fillers for men near Minneapolis

At Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, our providers are experts in non-surgical cosmetic procedures for men. They consider the masculine facial structure and customize the exact procedures and techniques required to maintain a handsome, natural appearance. If you are experiencing hollowness around the eyes, cheeks, or temples because of an intense workout routine, genetics, or the elements, and aging has left you with a wrinkled or weathered look, we can help.

Men generally have a higher collagen density than women, which results in differences in skin aging. For example, men tend to develop deep and prominent forehead wrinkles as they age, while women are more prone to fine lines around the mouth. Dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid can restore the vitality of one’s facial features by softening the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. We can also use fillers to reshape the chin and rejuvenate the temples without compromising the masculinity of the face.

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Reviews & Testimonials

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

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