young beautiful women looking at camera while outside with the sun behind her head

Sculptra® Filler in Edina & Bloomington

Do you desire a more refreshed, youthful look? At Skin Rejuvenation Clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we have an amazing solution! Sculptra “tightens” the face and can target fine lines around the mouth and chin and reduce deep creases around the mouth and nose (nasolabial folds).

With this noninvasive bio-stimulating treatment our highly skilled practitioners will ensure you achieve optimal results and enhance your skin’s natural beauty.

Sculptra is an FDA-approved synthetic facial injectable made of synthetic poly-lactic acid, that helps your body to stimulate and gradually replace lost collagen, providing a foundation to restore fullness and fill in wrinkles around the mouth and nose.

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It targets the underlying cause of aging, which is collagen deficiency, and works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and restore your skin’s inner structure and volume.

Collagen is an amino acid naturally produced by the body, which makes the skin suppler, firmer, and more resilient.

As collagen is stimulated, the skin begins to regain its fullness, diminishing wrinkles, and creases. Results are subtle yet noticeable and are achieved through a series of treatments.

Sculptra® or Dermal Fillers?

Sculptra works in a different way than hyaluronic acid fillers do; while Sculptra thickens the skin to make it more elastic, hyaluronic acid fillers attract moisture to the area that is being treated to create more volume.

The immediate initial improvement is not as pronounced as would be experienced with a hyaluronic acid filler since the effect is more gradual with Sculptra.

How it Works

Older woman with nice skin

Step 1: Consultation

During your consultation, we will take the time to understand your concerns and respond to your inquiries. Our team of highly skilled practitioners will make sure that your needs are understood and achieved, with the goal of surpassing your desired expectations and enhancing your natural beauty.

woman with blond hair smiling in the camera

Step 2: Treatment Planning

We will develop a program to fulfill your wishes regarding effectively improving those features you would like to be enhanced. We will then review and discuss the various solutions and offer advice based on our knowledge and expertise in delivering excellent aesthetic results.

Woman with brown hair pushing her hair back

Step 3: Treatment

We will initiate the treatment by using an antibacterial/antifungal face wash to make sure the region being treated is sterilized and free from bacteria. We may then use a topical anesthetic to numb the area, or alternatively, ice can be applied to add extra comfort. For the injections, we use cannulas whenever possible.

Cannulas are similar to needles but are rounded at the front to reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling, and decrease the chances of developing an intravascular infection. Using cannulas requires special expertise, which we have, to achieve optimal results.

woman with black background smiling

Step 4: Follow-up

Patients typically decide when to receive follow-up treatments based on which area is being treated.

Procedure At A Glance

Best Results

A number of treatments used to acquire desired results varies.

Duration of Results

Results typically last about two years depending on the area being treated.

Treatment Recovery

There is no downtime with this noninvasive procedure.

Risks & Complications

There are very minimal side effects; mild swelling and redness may occur.


An anesthetic may be injected to numb the area being treated, making the procedure virtually pain-free.

Procedure Time

Treatment time varies depending on the area of treatment performed.

Medically Qualified

Some of the most experienced practitioners in the world.

Back to Work

Typically, you can return to work the same day.

Treatment Details

Pre and Post Care Instructions

Pre Care Instructions

  • Avoid blood thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Ginko Biloba, Garlic supplements, Green Tea, vitamin A, vitamin E, fish oil, St. John’s Wart, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products one week prior to treatment to help decrease bruising.  
  • You may take Arnica 2-3 days before treatment to reduce bruising.
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before treatment to reduce bruising. 
  • You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 


Post Care Instructions

  • 5 minute massage for 5 times a day for 5 days after your treatment in the treated areas
  • Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and intense exercise for 24 hours after treatment
  • Avoid makeup for 24 hours after treatment
  • With any injection there is always the possibility of bruising. Topical arnica crème can be applied to help bruising heal faster
  • Please contact us immediately if you notice any of the following:
    • Severe pain/color change (pale/dusty/blotchiness) of skin
    • Herpes or blister like outbreak
    • Severe swelling up to three times increase in size

Before and After

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Frequently Asked Questions

When Will I See The Results Of The Procedure?

The procedure results will not be noticed immediately, as in hyaluronic acid fillers. As Sculptra encourages the body to make its own collagen, the results take some time to become apparent, and it can take up to 6 weeks.

When Can I Go Back To Work?

There is no downtime with Sculptra. Since Sculptra is a nonsurgical, noninvasive procedure, you can return to work the same day; right after treatment. You can also resume regular activities.

What Are The Potential Side Effects?

Sculptra treatment requires no downtime and the side effects are usually minimal. You may experience minor swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site, but these should quickly vanish. To acquire the greatest outcome, you should massage your face several times a day following your injection.

Is The Treatment Painful?

By utilizing our unique methods, most people feel comfortable or experience very minimal discomfort. Applying anesthetic to the area renders the procedure pain-free with little to no discomfort.

How Long Do Sculptra® Fillers Last?

In most cases, the effects of Sculptra fillers last as long as two years. It does usually take a few weeks to visually see full results since your body is continuing to produce collagen.

Can The Fillers Be Reversed?

We take pride in making sure that the best aesthetic results are achieved and that our patients are fully satisfied and informed. Sculptra cannot be reversed like fillers made from a hyaluronic acid can.

Can Different Fillers Be Used In The Same Location?

Different fillers are perfectly safe to use in the same location. This is sometimes recommended in order to achieve the best outcomes.

How much does it cost?

Price varies depending on the areas being treated and the number of injections and sessions required for optimal results.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Reviews & Testimonials

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

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