woman covering her body


At The Skin Rejuvenation Clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Liquid Lipo utilizes a naturally occurring acid found within the individual’s own body. This revolutionary treatment effectively targets and eliminates fat cells in the injected area, preventing further fat storage or accumulation.

Liquid Lipo is suitable for sculpting various body regions, including the chin, arms, abdomen, bra rolls, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and knees. Experience this cutting-edge technique for fat reduction and achieve the desired well-defined, sculpted physique you desire. 

What is Liquid Lipo? 

Liquid Lipo is an accelerated fat reduction treatment that delivers noticeable results in 5 days without requiring invasive cosmetic procedures or extensive recovery periods. It effectively diminishes persistent fat deposits, eliminating the necessity for prolonged gym sessions.

Application of Liquid Lipo to specific target areas, namely the belly, arms, buttocks, or thighs, enables absorption through the pores. Once absorbed, it promptly disintegrates and reduces deep-seated fat cells within the subcutaneous tissue of the skin. 

Why Choose Liquid Lipo? 

If you’re bothered (unhappy, self-conscious, embarrassed) by a double chin or small pockets of fat in certain areas of your body, you may be an ideal candidate for Liquid Lipo.

This condition can make you appear older or heavier, which may be a concern for you. If you prefer not to undergo invasive surgery and have already tried maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen without success in these areas, Liquid Lipo can be your solution! 

What Makes Liquid Lipo Different From Similar Procedures? 

CoolSculpting uses a device placed on the skin to dismantle fat cells in extreme cold. The final results can take two to three months. SculpSure, on the other hand, breaks down subcutaneous fat cells using controlled heat delivered through the skin.

Results typically show in 5 to 12 weeks. Radio Frequency Lipolysis involves using an applicator that emits radio frequency about 1 centimeter from the skin. This heats the fat cells without affecting other tissues.

Injectable Deoxycholic Acid, marketed under the brand name Kybella, occurs naturally in the body and aids in breaking down fat for digestion. When used in injectable form, deoxycholic acid can break down fat cells upon contact.

It is commonly used for targeted fat reduction. Liquid Lipo, which also utilizes deoxycholic acid, produces noticeable results within five days and is extremely safe. 

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How it Works

womans back


You will have a consultation with one of our skilled physicians to assess the suitability of Liquid Lipo for your needs and address any inquiries you may have regarding the procedure. 

woman standing far away

Treatment Planning

We will engage in a comprehensive discussion regarding the specific areas requiring minimal fat reduction as per your preference, as well as determining the optimal number of treatment sessions necessary. Typically, it is recommended to undergo a series of 1 to 5 treatment sessions. 

woman in a sports bra


One of our physicians will strategically administer the Liquid Lipo injections in the designated treatment area. Patients may experience minimal discomfort akin to tiny “pinches,” utilizing the smallest possible needle.

Immediately after the treatment, you may feel temporarily achy for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Concurrently, swelling may occur as the targeted fat cells are destroyed, causing inflammation. Although swelling may persist for 4 to 5 days, patients may resume their normal activities following treatment. 

woman laying down in her underwear

Follow up 

After completing your series of treatments, we kindly request that you schedule a follow-up appointment in 8 weeks to assess the need for any additional injections. 

Procedure At A Glance

Best Results

One to five treatments are recommended for optimal results. 

Duration of Results

The longevity of results is permanent following a Liquid Lipo procedure. 

Treatment Recovery

Patients can expect a recovery period of swelling lasting for 4 to 5 days following the treatment. 

Risks & Complications

The risks associated with this non-invasive procedure are minimal. 


Anesthetic is not required for the Liquid Lipo procedure. 

Procedure Time

The procedure requires an estimated duration of approximately 30 minutes for completion. 

Medically Qualified

The procedure will be performed by a medically qualified and experienced board-certified physician.

Back to Work

There is minimal to no downtime associated with treatment, you may resume work on the same day. 

Treatment Details

Before During and After

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What To Expect Before Liquid Lipo

Our team of highly experienced and dedicated providers is committed to assisting you in accomplishing your beauty objectives. We will assess the available options for addressing specific skin concerns, leveraging our extensive expertise to recommend the most effective approach for achieving the desired outcomes. 

3 girls posing

What To Expect During Liquid Lipo

During the Liquid Lipo procedure, the physician will create a small incision in a discreet area of the operating site. Following this, a surgical water jet with a diameter of 0.1 centimeters will then be inserted into the body.

The purpose of this device is to inject a fat-dissolving solution into the fat cells, destroying their bonds. Once the fat walls are melted, a cannula suction device will remove the liquid from the body.

Since Liquid Lipo is performed under mild sedation, you can return home on the same day. 


3 girls posing

What To Expect After Liquid Lipo

You may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and temporary numbness, bruising, or pain in the treated area. This is a permanent fat reduction solution, however, if weight is gained, there is a risk of the return of unwanted bulges. Expect visible results within 2 to 3 weeks as the body eliminates fat cells. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the potential benefits of choosing Liquid Lipo over other fat reduction methods?

Liquid liposuction is considered the safest type of fat-reducing procedure, offering several benefits over other fat-reduction methods 

  1. Immediate and visible results: Lipo injections provide faster and more noticeable outcomes compared to topical creams or non-invasive procedures.
  2. Highly accurate and minimally invasive: Liquid Lipo effectively targets and removes unwanted fat pockets in specific body parts, with minimal downtime.
  3. Low-risk: Liposuction techniques, including laser-assisted, power-assisted, ultrasound-assisted, VASER, and tumescent methods, have advanced significantly, ensuring safety. Among them, liquid liposuction stands out as the safest type of procedure.
Is Liquid Lipo a safe procedure?

Liquid Lipo is an FDA-approved, minimally invasive treatment that uses deoxycholic acid injections. This natural chemical effectively diminishes fat cells and is commonly employed in smaller areas with excess fat. Known as “lipo in a syringe;Liquid Lipe permanently destroys fat cells. 

What is the typical recovery time after a Liquid Lipo treatment?

It is plausible to resume work on the day of the procedure. Post-procedural swelling may persist for approximately one week, leading to potential social downtime. Further details will be addressed during the consultation. 

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with Liquid Lipo?

Patients may experience swelling, temporary numbness, bruising, or localized discomfort or pain in the treated area. 

Who is a good candidate for Liquid Lipo?

Good candidates for Liquid Lipo are those who have small to moderate areas of unwanted fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It works best for those with a BMI of 30 or less.

The treatment is not a weight loss solution, but rather a body contouring method. Additionally, the ideal candidate is someone who is in good health with realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. 

How many Liquid Lipo sessions are typically required to achieve desired results?

To achieve optimal results, the number of required treatments typically ranges from one to five, depending on the size of the area. 

How long do the results of Liquid Lipo typically last?

While the treated area offers a permanent fat reduction, it’s important to note that weight gain could potentially bring back the undesirable bulges. 

Is there a specific age range for individuals seeking Liquid Lipo?

There is no specific age range for individuals who can seek Liquid Lipo, as it is suitable for anyone who is in good health and has realistic expectations.  

What is the cost of Liquid Lipo, and is it covered by insurance?

The cost of treatment varies depending on the area: Chin starts at $600 per session, while other body areas start at $650 per session. This is considered a cosmetic treatment and is not covered by insurance. 

Can Liquid Lipo be used to target specific problem areas, such as the abdomen or thighs?

Liquid Lipo is a revolutionary treatment that targets specific areas such as the abdomen and thighs. This highly advanced technique involves injecting a solution into the designated area, which liquefies the fat and allows for easy removal.  

How should I prepare for a Liquid Lipo procedure?

Before a Liquid Lipo procedure, it is recommended to stop smoking or vaping. Also, avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements since they can increase bleeding risks. Additionally, make sure to adhere to any specific directives provided by your surgeon. 

What should I expect during and after a Liquid Lipo treatment session?

Our physicians carefully administer Liquid Lipo injections to the designated treatment area using the finest needles, ensuring minimal discomfort akin to tiny pinpricks.

Post-treatment, you may encounter temporary achiness lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Moreover, inflammation may arise due to the destruction of targeted fat cells, resulting in swelling.

This swelling might subsist for 4 to 5 days, yet patients can promptly resume their regular activities following the treatment. Visible results will manifest within 2 to 3 weeks. 

Are there any contraindications or medical conditions that may prevent someone from getting Liquid Lipo?

Liquid Lipo injections are not recommended for everyone, particularly individuals with specific medical conditions. Conditions such as cancer, kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, and diabetes should avoid Liquid Lipo injections.

Moreover, individuals with skin or systemic infections should only consider lipotropic injections after their infection has been treated and resolved. 

Can Liquid Lipo help with reducing the appearance of cellulite?

The Liquid Lipo procedure is a minimally-invasive technique using laser technology to facilitate the liquefaction and subsequent removal of fat tissue through a minimally invasive incision. While it does not target cellulite reduction, it can effectively contribute to body contouring and localized fat reduction. 

Can Liquid Lipo be used to contour and sculpt the body in addition to fat reduction?

By strategically injecting the liquid formula into specific areas, Liquid Lipo can help sculpt and define your physique, in addition to reducing unwanted fat in specific areas. 

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I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

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Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

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LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

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I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

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Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

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It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

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LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

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I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

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Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

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