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SKINVIVE Near Minneapolis

At Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, we offer a revolutionary SKINVIVE treatment. This treatment, utilizing cutting-edge advancements in skincare, promises a rejuvenating experience, enhancing the natural beauty and vitality of the skin. A standard SKINVIVE treatment predominantly employs 2 syringes of the product. However, based on the unique requirements of individual skin types, there might occasionally be a necessity for additional products. We ensure that the syringes used during the treatment will remain undivided.


SKINVIVE, when combined with our renowned HydraFacial, offers patients an astounding comprehensive inside-out radiance. In the initial phases, patients can choose to book SKINVIVE either as a primary treatment or as an enhancement to their existing treatments. This allows for a versatile approach, catering to varying patient needs. Patients should anticipate a duration of 15 minutes for each SKINVIVE treatment. This brief yet impactful window ensures minimal disruption to your day while delivering maximum benefit. The Skin Rejuvenation Clinic prides itself on staying at the forefront of skincare innovations. The inclusion of SKINVIVE in our suite of offerings is a testament to our commitment to delivering only the best to our valued patients.

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What Our Patients Are Saying

Reviews & Testimonials

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

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