woman sitting down


CoolSculpting is the non-invasive gold standard, an FDA-cleared fat-freezing procedure that destroys fat cells and sculpts bodies.

This is an easy, no-downtime procedure that truly works! Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is one of the top CoolSculpting providers in the Midwest. Providing our patients with the most up-to-date technology, CoolSculpting Elite is a new fat-freezing technology that non-surgically reduces unwanted fat pockets in specific regions of your body. It’s currently the most effective and safest means of reducing unwanted fat pockets without incisions, scalpels, surgeries, or downtime.

It is a scientifically proven, non-invasive procedure that permanently eliminates fat cells in problematic areas such as the abdomen, legs, arms, and under the chin. Witness transformative results and attain a more refined and sculpted physique with this remarkable fat-freezing procedure. Coolsculpting has emerged as the top choice among medical practitioners as a non-invasive treatment for fat reduction. Experience a more refined and sculpted version of yourself with CoolSculpting Elite! 


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What is CoolSculpting? 

CoolSculpting, the #1 non-surgical fat reduction treatment recommended by doctors, is a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical procedures. It utilizes advanced Cryolipolysis technology to freeze stubborn fat cells, reducing fat pockets in trouble spots such as the abdomen, legs, arms, or under the chin.

Only fat cells are affected while surrounding tissue remains unaffected. Unlike liposuction, CoolSculpting is non-invasive and requires no anesthesia. Over several months, the crystallized cells are naturally eliminated by the body, resulting in a firmer and sleeker figure. 

Why Choose CoolSculpting? 

Coolsculpting is a popular choice for reducing stubborn fat due to its clinically proven, safe, and effective results. Using advanced cooling technology, this innovative procedure targets problem areas by gently freezing and eliminating fat cells without harming your skin or other tissues. 

The procedure is non-invasive;  there is no need for needles, incisions, or anesthesia. Results are achieved without the risk of infection or potential scars. Clinical studies have shown a 25% reduction in fat cells in treated areas. 

What Makes CoolSculpting Different From Similar Procedures? 

There are several body contouring procedures on the market, but CoolSculpting stands out for a few reasons. CoolSculpting uses targeted cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells, with results gradually appearing over several weeks.

While other non-surgical fat reduction procedures may use heat or ultrasound to accomplish similar goals, CoolSculpting is unique for its precise, controlled cooling technology that selectively targets fat cells without affecting surrounding tissues.

If you’re looking for an effective, non-invasive alternative to surgical body contouring, CoolSculpting is worth considering. 


How It Works

woman with beautiful body

Step 1: Consultation

You will visit our comfortable office in Edina to meet with a provider. They will discuss your goals and the benefits of this treatment and guide you in finding the perfect treatment to make your goals a reality.  This way, we can tailor a fast and successful solution for you. 

woman body

Step 2: Treatment Planning

We will map a specific treatment plan out for you to determine the number of cycles you will need. Based on our extensive experience in delivering exceptional cosmetic outcomes, we will devise a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and concerns. This will enable you to achieve your desired goals! 

woman laying down

Step 3: Treatment

As the applicator is moved around the treatment area, controlled cooling will be delivered to fat cells. Some patients may experience tugging and pinching sensations during treatment, but discomfort is minimal and treatment is easily tolerable. Treatment can take anywhere from 35 minutes up to a couple of hours depending on the size and number of areas being treated. Once treatment is complete, at no extra charge, your Practitioner will Z-Wave the treated area. This is a therapeutic massage that increases results by up to 68%. There is no downtime necessary following CoolSculpting Elite, and patients may return to their regular activity immediately! After completion, you may drive yourself home and resume normal activities.

During your treatment, you may read a book, listen to music, or work on your computer. Once the fat cells are frozen, they undergo apoptosis, a gradual shrinking process leading to natural elimination from the body.

This transformation takes several weeks to months, during which the treated area becomes slimmer and more contoured. Overall, CoolSculpting is a safe and effective alternative to surgery for targeted fat reduction. 

woman sitting in a abstract position

Step 4: Follow up

Follow-up appointments will be scheduled 2 to 3 months after the last treatment.  We’ll address any questions or concerns you may have regarding the treated areas and whether you’ve achieved your desired results. You’ll notice a smoother and more sculpted body. 

Procedure At A Glance

Best Results (# of Treatments)

1-3 Sessions, Depending on Area Minimal sessions are required to obtain desired results.  

Duration of Results

Permanent The fat cells that were frozen during treatment will not reappear. 

Treatment Recovery

Little to No Downtime You can undergo treatment and promptly resume your daily activities after treatment. 

Risks & Complications

May Cause Bruising The CoolSculpting procedure is characterized by minimal risks and complications. 


None, CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical, noninvasive procedure and does not require an anesthetic. 

Procedure Time

Procedure time for CoolSculpting varies depending on the areas being treated. 

Medically Qualified

AP Aesthetician CoolSculpting is performed by a medically qualified and experienced AP Aesthetician. 

Back to Work

Same Day, You can return to work the immediately after your CoolSculpting procedure. 

Treatment Details

Before During and After

Frequently Asked Questions

Is CoolSculpting Elite right for me?

CoolSculpting Elite is an ideal treatment option for men and women with stubborn pockets of body fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, and who do not want to undergo the invasiveness or extensive recovery associated with surgical fat reduction.

How long does it take to see results with CoolSculpting Elite?

Many patients report a noticeable difference in the volume of fat in treated areas within 2 weeks of treatment. However, full results from a single treatment take approximately 2 months to appear.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of CoolSculpting Elite treatments needed to achieve optimal results depends on each patient’s goals and the area of the body being treated.

What does it feel like?

Many people read, watch videos, work on their laptops, or even take a nap during their CoolSculpting treatment. When attaching applicators, you might feel occasional pulling, pinching, tugging, stinging, tingling, or cold sensations, but these sensations will gradually subside as the treatment region numbs. After a specific period, the provider will detach the dual applicators. After the treatment, you may feel some tingling as we Z-wave for 2 or 3 minutes (this can improve fat reduction and increase results by up to 68% per treatment when compared to regular CoolSculpting Elite). You can leave the clinic and resume your daily activities without any downtime — the treatment areas will gradually start slimming down in 8 to 12 weeks.

What areas of the body can be treated with CoolSculpting?

Coolsculpting offers treatment for various areas of the body, such as the arms, bra rolls, flanks (also known as “love handles”), abdomen, inner thighs, and knees.  

How long does a CoolSculpting treatment session typically last?

The treatment time for Coolsculpting varies depending on the size and number of areas being treated. The number of sessions needed to achieve optimal results depends on each patient’s goals and the areas being treated, but typically 2-3 treatments are required. 

Are there any specific medical conditions that may prevent someone from undergoing CoolSculpting?

Some medical conditions may prevent someone from undergoing CoolSculpting. These include cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, Raynaud’s Disease, and any condition that causes sensitivity to cold temperatures. Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should not undergo CoolSculpting as it has not been studied for its safety in these populations.  

Is CoolSculpting a permanent solution for fat reduction?

Although it takes two months for the full results to become apparent, the fat cells frozen during treatment are permanently eliminated.  

Are there any activities or restrictions after a CoolSculpting session?

CoolSculpting in Edina offers a significant advantage: zero downtime. Patients can effortlessly resume their regular routines immediately after treatment. There may be mild swelling or bruising for one to two weeks. 

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LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

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I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

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I can't wait until the next time!

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Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

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Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

LOVE this clinic and all staff. You have set the bar high in the Twin Cities market when...

- Home Lindsey P.

I've been seeing the practitioners at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic for over a year now and have been extremely...

- Home Alice M.

I can't wait until the next time!

- Generic Michelle T

Everyone that works at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is top notch. They are always interested in me, my needs...

- AGE & SUN SPOTS Kathryn F.

It is always a wonderful experience to come here. The staff is welcoming, the medical professionals are knowledgeable...

- Rosacea, Redness, or Flushing

Knowledgeable, informative, helpful and professional. Care about your wants and needs and adjust to what works best for...

- Spider Veins Face, Body, and Under Eyes Kian D.

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