woman with long brown hair and bright red lipstick

With the skincare craze only growing stronger, smooth skin is in style like never before! We love that the world is prioritizing skin rejuvenation! It’s…kind of our thing. 

At Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, we take great pride in helping each of our clients achieve the skin of their dreams! And it’s more attainable than ever with the MOXI laser. If you’re as obsessed with getting smooth skin as we are, keep reading to learn more about MOXI and what it can do for you!

What is the MOXI laser?

This treatment is the perfect entryway into the medical aesthetics world, and we cannot wait to open that door for you! Quick, gentle, and effective, with little to no downtime, MOXI makes it easy to achieve incredible skin.

So, you might be wondering exactly how to get smooth skin with MOXI. Your provider will use the MOXI laser to deliver heat and light energy deep into your skin, which will prompt your skin cells to boost collagen production. Collagen is responsible for keeping your skin tight, firm, and (you guessed it) smooth. 

This treatment is non-ablative, meaning it won’t remove the top layer of your skin. It is for this reason that it requires very little downtime, and you won’t have to worry about excessive redness and swelling!

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone curious about how to get smooth skin is already an exceptional candidate for MOXI laser. This treatment is perfect for first-timers or those who want to get ahead of the game when it comes to skincare. Sometimes referred to as ‘prejuvenation’, the MOXI laser is the perfect treatment for anyone just beginning to notice small signs of aging.

How to get smooth skin near Minneapolis: what to expect 

Step 1. Consultation

Like any of our aesthetic treatments, we begin with a complimentary consultation to discuss your unique aesthetic concerns and desired results. You will meet with one of our highly skilled and passionate team members, who will guide you through the process and explain how to get smooth skin with MOXI.

Step 2. Treatment planning

After going over your skin goals, we will determine if MOXI is the right choice for you. If so, your aesthetician will go over the rest of the treatment details thoroughly.

Step 3. Treatment

Our MOXI treatment is customized specifically for your unique goals and is performed by a highly trained aesthetician. We may apply a topical numbing cream to help alleviate any discomfort, a practice that is typically omitted by other providers. The treatment is very quick, depending on the size of the desired areas. You can return to work or home the same day!

Step 4. Follow-Up

We will schedule a follow-up appointment one month after your initial appointment to check on results and discuss potential follow-up treatments. 

Paired Treatment

One of the best things about getting a laser treatment at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is that we customize treatments to suit your particular desired results! An awesome way to achieve smooth skin is to pair the MOXI treatment with our revolutionary HALO laser! 

The HALO laser evens skin tone, reduces hyperpigmentation, and smooths out the complexion. This treatment leaves you with a “halo” glow that is out of this world!

Schedule a Consultation! 

Still not sure whether or not this treatment is something you could benefit from? Come in and talk to us! We love helping our clients discover which treatment is the perfect fit. 

Request A Consultation

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